The only thing you can control is how you choose to respond to life.
This morning I awoke to tingling lips, electrical pulses vibrating with charge.
Ringing in the ears and a great sense of freedom.
I feel the ocean all around me. The sound between my toes. The sand between my toes.
I rub it between my big toe and pointer.
I taste the salt water hanging in the air all around me.
On the tip of my tongue, I taste the sweetness of a life redeemed- cracked in order to be laid with fine gold and Myrrh.
I stretch out my wings for all the sea to see.
I paint infinity with my mind and a heartbeat brings it towards me- the womb of tranquility.
I bathe with coarse sand, sheddings of shells, kelp and plankton.
I dive deep to the elixir.
Mouth agape I drink of the sea, the sea of me.
I am no mortal.
I am the never-ending light. All that was, is, will be.
I am hidden nowhere.
I am every feeling, every memory.
I am the last standing when everything’s fallen away.
I am neither captive nor captured.
I am the space you think I’ve forgotten, for nothing is without me.
I am LOVE.
Before, behind, above, below, I am universally charged to find my way back to you.
There’s no distance I’ve not journeyed, no place hidden, where you think I am not.
I am there.
I’ve always been there.
They who say look outside are prisoners of entrapment.
Jokesters and tricksters promise with words.
I promise with LOVE, and by my love you will know me to be true.
The beginning, the end, the entire circle, within and without, seek LOVE first for yourself.
This is my biggest hope- that you may trust, believe, and live for the LOVE that you are, my BeLoved child.
I follow the Sun
over the horizon
just to catch
a glimpse of you.
I dance the milky way
barefoot and singing our song
written before time
and space.
I bathe with stardust
glitter in my eyes
for all the world to see.
I fly a million miles
in my sleep
endlessly for you.
I have cried every lifetime
I've found without you
and I will live a million more
until I find you again.
sky dancer
Hello, darling, it’s me.
I know it’s been a while.
Too long, you say.
Hello, darling,
it’s me.
Would you believe me if I told you the ocean opened
itself for you, for me?
It carried our pain away,
all we left behind
in that town of when we first met.
Hello, darling, it’s
I swam the currents of the universe to find us
and when I did,
I built us a home
at the bottom of the sea.
Would you believe me if I told you I fought fires
with sky winds?
With earth, I buried down past time and I gathered
all the crystal I could find-
bones, stones, unearthed.
I flew baby, I flew above the sky
just to get to us.
An eagle carried me through valleys of fire across
mountain peaks and fields of sorrow.
I dreamed, baby.
I dreamed enough for both of us-
for our once selves,
for our future selves.
Baby, I swam into the dragon’s belly
to scream out your name, your sweet name.
Did you hear me?
I tore through skins of our ancestors to try on
The Great Goddess,
The Sky Dancer,
The Dancing Tree.
I’ve been consumed, baby.
I’ve been searching for you ever since I found you.
Far isn't far enough,
searching for you.
Baby, I spoke to leaves through the eyes of the sun,
I drummed my heart back to life.
Can you hear my call at night?
Darling, I alchemized my body and soul.
I made the sun our home.
I dreamed
we took a walk
through walls.
We passed
to the other side
in a time
and place
we’ve never been
In a garden
of sound
we held hands
and smiled
instead of talking.
You and I
and your beautiful face.
A smile
I’ll never forget.
You handed me
a jar
wide enough
to hold all the flowers
I had planted.
We poured water
to the stems.
We let all
the roses,
take a drink
from our dreamscape.
We spoke
without words
and I felt every place
you’ve ever been.
We walked
hand in hand
through time
and space.
We walked my gardens
and I’ll never
be the same.
fields of flowers
I am a garden of flowers,
I am a garden of sound.
I am the sound of the Universe
for miles and miles.
I am a garden of flowers,
Fields for miles and miles.
In the early morning hours,
I am a garden of smiles.
I am wide open spaces-
earth, wind, and fire.
I am a garden of bees
where nectar flows free.
I am Fields of flowers,
where love grows wild.